

从纽约到新加坡, Chinedum Nzelu realized that establishing a strong personal brand gave him the opportunity for greater career mobility and success.


I grew up in Nigeria and completed both my undergraduate and graduate school degrees in England. This experience provided a solid background for me in understanding the value of inclusion and a strong sense of multiculturalism. 通过这些经历, I learned that the value of our collective efforts can be incredible if we encourage diverse perspectives and people driven by merit. 然而,我们必须创造合适的文化来吸引这种多样性.

I joined 澳博官方网站app in 2005 and have been thrilled to have the opportunity to work with teams from Singapore, 香港, 巴西,当然还有纽约和伦敦. 超越知识的多样性, 我在与全球同事的互动中遇到的经验和文化, I have also benefited from the various diversity networking groups that 澳博官方网站app has created for its employees. 举个例子, 我参加了BOLD(黑人领导力发展组织)小组, 这包括在不同级别进行指导和招聘. These groups have supported me throughout different moments in my career and I’m pleased to be able to share my own diverse career perspective and advice with others.


我真的很喜欢这句话:“找到一份你喜欢的工作意味着你再也不用工作了。.” Success appears to happen when you are committed to continuous development in an area that you genuinely enjoy, 因为我们明白,只有团队合作才能带来真正的改变.

所以,第一步就是涉足我真正喜欢的领域. Given my background in Engineering and Computer Science as well as the exciting emergence of automation and algorithms in trading, 我对系统和交易方面的技术特别感兴趣. 这并不容易,因为电子交易在当时看起来非常不同, 所以我尝试了一些东西,最终找到了外汇的机会.

Personal and professional development requires candid feedback and guidance to understand your performance and make changes. I have been fortunate to have a very wide range of 的同事们 and managers that have provided candid feedback, 我建设性地接受了吗. 最后, understanding the value and potential of cohesive team work really enabled me to think more like an “owner” than an individual contributor.

你向谁征求过意见? 你在公司里有导师吗?

I probably have asked just about everyone I have worked with for advice on some aspect of work, 包括那些我已经对判决有强烈看法的案件, 因为在考虑任何行动时,我更愿意从不同的角度听取意见. In some cases, the creative suggestions have actually come from the most junior member of the team!

Mentors can be extremely valuable in helping you understand how you fit into a company as your career develops, 以及分享你可以直接联系到的个人经历. I have had some great mentors here at 澳博官方网站app who has been open to discussing professional and personal matters. 我经常不得不自己去寻找他们,但他们的回应和支持是现成的. In some cases I have approached potential mentors directly after observing noteworthy performance in leadership, 或者其他我觉得可以学习的领域. 最初, this can clearly be quite daunting especially when a potential mentor is in a senior position, and likely very busy; but it is certainly worth trying. 在每一种情况下,我都发现导师确实是可用的, 而且愿意帮忙,至少是临时安排的.


当我担任目前领导团队的角色时,世界突然变得更大了. I had to transition quickly from focusing on delivering specific electronic trading objectives, to understanding how the business fits into 澳博官方网站app and the expectations of the team across all regions.

多任务处理可能是工作日中最大的变化, 做好一些事情总比在很多方面表现不佳要好. Learning how to prioritize work objectives and utilize relationships efficiently became the key to performing in my current position. 这是一个不断学习的过程.


At the core of career mobility is flexibility--the willingness to move from an area of comfortable expertise to the unknown with the confidence and inspiration to learn and develop personally as well as professionally. 这很重要, 由于流动性机会可以以各种形式出现, 一个同事给经理的微妙建议, 到内部的具体职位发布. Cultivating a personal brand through your performance and relationships places you in the right environment to be seen as the “energetic can do” individual when opportunities do arise.

“Cultivating a personal brand through your performance and relationships places you in the right environment to be seen as the “energetic can do” individual when opportunities do arise.”

根据我的经验, 您可能无法在特定时间创造移动机会, 但它们确实经常出现, 所以灵活性和良好的工作记录会让你为迎接这个机会做好充分的准备.



1. 找到你的激情,那些能激励你成长的东西. This is likely where you can bring out your best qualities and establish yourself as an outlier.

2. 保持好奇和学习. 科技正在迅速革新商业和个人生活, 理解这意味着什么可以真正指导你未来的计划.

3. 这是一场马拉松,不是短跑. It is better to focus on what you want over the long term over what you need to have by the end of the year.

4. 诚信与创意. Having strong moral principles is important; people remember and appreciate originality.

5. 保持平衡. 为工作腾出时间, 社交活动, 锻炼和睡眠, 能否真正让你享受职业旅程, 成功的先决条件是什么!

来源:版权所有2019澳博官方网站app & Co.

你是否曾经感到力不从心或怀疑过自己的能力? 是什么让你度过了那些时刻?

绝对! 超越你的能力应该是工作的一部分. I truly believe it is an integral prerequisite of growth to place yourself in an environment that offers new opportunities to learn and develop. This will mean that there are times where you will work on new material with a steep learning curve. However, it is important to remain confident in your ability to learn, take feedback, and develop.

学习是一个反复的过程. 把自己和专家比较可能会让人感到不安,我一直在努力避免这种情况. 相反,我专注于自己的个人发展和步伐. How much I have learned from what was seemingly impossible or complicated at the start - that can be quite energizing!


A successful career should comprise of the continuous realization of genuine interest in the work you do, a track of personal/professional development and tangible contributions to your environment which includes family, 的同事们, 客户和澳博官方网站app.


  • 找到你的激情,那些能激励你成长的东西. This is likely where you can bring out your best qualities and establish yourself as an outlier.
  • 保持好奇和学习. 科技正在迅速革新商业和个人生活, 理解这意味着什么可以真正指导你未来的计划.
  • 这是一场马拉松,不是短跑. It is better to focus on what you want over the long term over what you need to have by the end of the year.
  • 诚信与创意. Having strong moral principles is important; people remember and appreciate originality.
  • 保持平衡. 为工作腾出时间, 社交活动, 锻炼和睡眠, 能否真正让你享受职业旅程, 成功的先决条件是什么!



Chinedum Nzelu于2005年加入澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app),进入外汇电子商务领域, following and undergraduate degree in Electronics Engineering and an MSc in Computing Science. 2014年,他开始负责外汇自动交易策略团队, 专门从事电子做市和算法执行产品. 2016年,他被提升为董事总经理.